Digital Growth

Market Campaigns, Events and Products

Create engaging and analytically enhanced mobile video campaigns

Our digital advertising methods include creating not static images or messages but animated or video-based ads. We are all glued to mobile devices and usually glance at ads while scrolling, yet Cerebral ensures the audience stops and reads your message.

Our method and process will also guarantee your video-based advertisements are active and not just an impression scrolled through but an impression watched for multiple seconds, multiple times, per campaign.

Captivate your audiences with your message delivered

Our digital advertising methods include creating not static images or messages but animated or video-based ads. This method will increase your audience engagement by five to ten times. We are all glued to mobile devices and usually glance at ads while scrolling, yet Cerebral ensures the audience stops and reads your message.

Interactive video ads with high mobile engagment.

Our digital advertising methods include creating ads that are not static images or messages, but animated or video-based. This method will increase your audience engagement by five to ten times. We are all glued to mobile devices and usually glance at ads while scrolling, yet Cerebral ensures the audience stop scrolling and reads your message.

Smarter marketing spending for your social media ads

Social Media Marketing has become a standard for any brand or product, increasing awareness and reach. Using digital marketing data, we help optimize your digital marketing spend by analyzing the top and low performers. We then work with your teams using market intelligence to increase the effectiveness of each ad deployed.

Target cities, and interests using geo wall marketing technology

The key ingredient of a successful digital target marketing campaign is getting the right digital content into the hands of the right audience. Cerebral will work with your marketing team to identify the geophagic area that your target audience is in and find shared interests to tailor your message for a specific demographic.

Proven to have 55% more reach than TV

TV ads reach demographics every thousand thirty seconds of ads watched. Digital video ads enter smaller pockets of target demographics with fifteen seconds of ads watched. Dropping the cost of content and placing ads on computers and mobiles simultaneously ultimately increases the ROI on marketing dollars spent.

Real time A/B testing

Digital marketing management tools allow instant analytics on a given ad's performance. This technique enables us to mold and modify the message or graphics of the ads until a successful performance rate is reached. Once the right formula is in place, the targeted audience is gradually grown with close attention to its daily results—to make further improvements and keep increasing the performance metrics.

The messaging is written in an an interactive format and animated.
The media content is animated to keep the audience engaged for more seconds.

Cerebral launched the first
Big Pharma Facebook ads

By leveraging the expansive reach and targeting capabilities of the world's largest social media platform, Music Intervention Therapy Partners and Sanofi are breaking new ground in how they connect with and engage their audience.

Facebook's dynamic advertising platform allows for precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that the campaign reaches individuals who are most likely to benefit from and resonate with the message of the digital therapy

Case Studies

Cerebral is an experienced team of digital professionals who have had the privilege of applying their expertise in a broad spectrum of industries. The following are some of our references:

Empower your social

Cerebral digital marketing is, at its core, a consultancy service for your digital evolution. We work with your team and organization to improve and provide tools, allowing them to achieve objectives more effectively.